Company overview

Glassdoor Love Your Job At Glassdoor, our mission is to help people everywhere find a job and company they love. We’re transforming an entire industry through the power of transparency. As the worldwide leader in employer branding and insights, our vision is for a world where radical transparency holds companies accountable to strive to become better employers. Glassdoor offers millions of the latest job listings and brand insights –– from company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, and interview reviews, to questions, benefits reviews, photos, and videos. The best part? All of our information is shared by those who know a company best — the employees. Glassdoor operates as a part of Recruit Holdings’ growing HR Technology business segment.

Careers at Glassdoor

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EMEA Sales Support Contractor (12-month contract)EMEA Sales Support Contractor (12-month contract)
London, UK
Published: 2024-09-13  •  London, UK

Why Glassdoor?

When you work for Glassdoor, you help people everywhere get ahead in work and life. That’s because we’re moving fast to become the leading community for workplace conversations. Every day, we foster radical transparency by giving professionals a platform to connect authentically and anonymously. Think real talk with real people — plus company reviews and ratings, salary info, job listings and more. 

Join us as we make worklife better, together.

Glassdoor is one of the world's largest job and recruiting sites. We pride ourselves on making worklife better together; it's our mission. Our company was built on the foundation of increasing workplace transparency. With that in mind, we have developed numerous tools to help job seekers make more informed career decisions. As a Tier 2 Specialist for the Customer Support team, you will provide mentorship to Tier 1 Specialist while supporting the Offshore manager with projects as necessary for day-to-day activities. The primary goal is to provide a thoughtful and impeccable customer experience. The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about the customer, understands the importance of contributing to a highly effective and cohesive team, and is a proven strong communicator who will go the extra mile for the customer and the team.

Tier 2 Customer Support Specialists will primarily assist Glassdoor's paying customers and Indeed-led accounts by resolving usability and technical questions, evangelizing new products and features, and optimizing customer profiles. The Tier 2 role requires you to have strong Glassdoor product and system expertise, strategic thinking skills, and works well with others while continuing to meet SLAs.

What You'll Do:

  • Provide fast, accurate, and personalized communication to Glassdoor Employers through live chat and email. 
  • Assist customers in solving problems related to product features, usability, technical issues, and product performance, including participating in all aspects of post-sale, customer onboarding/development, diagnosing/resolving technical issues, and escalation support.
  • Achieve team targets for response times, service level, and customer satisfaction, as established by the Manager, Support.
  • Monitor CSAT/NPS scores and drive increased customer advocacy by compiling and sharing feedback with relevant stakeholders, including your Manager, the Product Team, Display team, Trust & Safety, as well a,s Sales and Customer Success.
  • Maintain and create detailed documentation through logging of support cases, email, and knowledgebase articles for the customer and internal use.
  • Work on projects that provide value to the department, Glassdoor, and Employer customer bases.

What You'll Bring:

  • Strong collaboration with team members across CX Operations and Monetization, Product, Marketing and Engineering as needed to resolve issues and deliver wow experiences.
  • Ability to react to customer inquiries and think strategically about how best to service their problems while also anticipating customer needs and engaging in proactive communications for customers that have low adoption or engagement with the product
  • Is passionate about continuing learning on product knowledge of Glassdoor platform, internal systems, and tooling, and looks for opportunities to share knowledge across team
  • Has an understanding of basic analytical skills to be able to assess trends and themes in customer experiences
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • High personal productivity and excellent time management
  • Ability to communicate information and ideas effectively as well as professionally
  • A bachelor’s degree, experience in a relevant customer-facing role, and excellent written and verbal communication skills are required and / or 3+ years of experience in a customer support role, technical service role and/or customer associate experience preferred 
  • Strong customer focus and ability to deliver great customer experiences 
  • A track record of meeting and exceeding KPIs and working well in team-based settings
  • Familiarity with brand management is a plus

Compensation: £15.00 - £20.00 per hour

Our Commitments

  • Come as you are: At Glassdoor diversity is not a slogan; it’s a core factor in our success. We welcome your background, experience and ideas because you help us understand and better serve our world. You make us stronger.
  • Grow your career: Glassdoor is small enough for you to see the impact of your contributions, while large enough to offer significant resources and endless opportunities to grow. This is a great place to make a career.
  • Find your people: Ask anyone who works here: it’s the people who make the difference. We are a group of well-rounded humans who support one another and work hard together to bring the Glassdoor mission to life.
  • Discover flexibility: With flexible hours and a where-to-work policy, Glassdoor allows you to take on professional and personal responsibilities — enhancing both productivity and your well-being. 

Glassdoor is committed to equal treatment and opportunity in all aspects of recruitment, selection and employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, marital status, physical or mental disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, veteran or military status or any other category protected under the law. Glassdoor is an equal opportunity employer; committed to creating a community of inclusion, and an environment free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

Where-to-Work Policy
Being a remote-first company, Glassdoor employees can live anywhere Glassdoor is a registered company. Requests to move must be approved by an employee’s manager and the People team. While we will try our best to support relocation requests, some requests may not be approved due to various tax, legal, or other restrictions.

Enjoy Remote and Explore: Employees authorized to work in their current location may Work Away for up to a total of 30 (thirty) working days in a calendar year without permanent relocation and compensation change. Employees on visas may work Work Away for up to a total of 20 (twenty) working days in a calendar year without permanent relocation and compensation change. The amount of time and location for Work Away must be approved by the employee’s manager and People Operations team at least two (2) weeks in advance of travel.