Company overview

OneDegree (“The Group”) is a new generation of InsurTechs that is reimagining the industry with design and digital innovation. The Group’s mission is to set new standards for insurance that puts customers first. OneDegree Hong Kong Limited ("OneDegree Hong Kong”), a subsidiary of the Group, is among the first batch of virtual insurers authorized by the Hong Kong Insurance Authority to provide insurance products purely through online channels. OneDegree Hong Kong prides itself on providing breakthrough innovations in products and services, with measurable benefits in the scale of 10x, powered by its digital platform. OneDegree Global (SG) Pte. Ltd. (“OneDegree Global”) is a technology company that offers enterprise-grade insurance core system and cyber security solutions. OneDegree Global works with insurers and other industry leaders across Asia, enabling them to accelerate digital transformation and deliver brand-new customer journeys. The company is ISO 27001 certified. Founded in 2016, OneDegree has raised more than US$30 million and is backed by renowned investors including BitRock Capital, Cyberport Macro Fund and Cathay Venture.

Careers at OneDegree

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Web3 Internship- Software Engineering Intern, OneSavieLabWeb3 Internship- Software Engineering Intern, OneSavieLab
Taipei, Taiwan
Head of Branding and Marketing Communications, Virtual InsuranceHead of Branding and Marketing Communications, Virtual Insurance
OneDegree Hong Kong Office
Posted 23 days ago
Prompt Engineer, OneDegree AIPrompt Engineer, OneDegree AI
Published: 2024-09-11  •  Taipei, Taiwan

Job Overview

OneSavie Lab是一個結合 Web3AI科技的頂尖實驗室,致力於為Web3 生態系統以及眾多參與者提供先進的智能風險監控和管理工具,包括中心化和去中心化的多元策略選擇。 OneSavie Lab的核心使命是為投資者、機構和其他虛擬資產領域的利益相關者提供全方位的支持。從代幣風險監控、資產情報分析,到Web3的風控諮詢,我們都能提供專業、精確的服務,在新興領域為客戶護航。 

OneSavieLab 在招募員工時,無論是哪一個職位,我們都不斷尋找能在信任、願意接受反饋、勇與改變和熱衷了解加密貨幣的文化中和我們一起茁壯成長的夥伴。 



Taipei, Taiwan



  • 在這個實習中你將與我們的產品負責人、產品設計師與工程師搭檔,不斷優化我們的Web3合規監控產品,為全球的監管單位與機構提供更好的支持。 
  • 與其他工程師、設計師、產品經理和高階領導層合作,將我們的產品和技術願景轉變為實際的開發路線,並編寫高品質的程式碼來滿足客戶的需求。



  • 你有正面思維並且對未來持樂觀態度。 
  • 你永遠不會厭倦學習並想成為 Web3 AI等尖端技術的專業人士。 
  • 你接受直接溝通且既是一個積極溝通者也是一個好的傾聽者。 
  • 你樂於接受坦誠的回饋,不輕易放棄並將每一次挫折視為成長的機會。 
  • 你不是在找一份無聊的工作,並願意和團隊在有限的時間內創造出高品質的產品。 
  • 你是一個當責的人,願意為實現使命承擔 100% 的責任。 
  • 你是一個願意跳脫舒適圈的人。 
  • 你擁有任何程式設計經驗(在課堂上、在娛樂中、在工作中)。 
  • 你喜歡思考人們如何與產品互動並建立用戶喜愛的體驗 
  • 自我激勵並致力於個人成長。 



  • 你已取得或正在攻讀電腦科學、軟體工程、電腦工程、電機工程、數學或相關領域的學士或碩士學位,或有相關的經歷。 
  • 我們的系統大多是用 JavaScript(Typescript) Python,有任何經驗者優先錄取。 


Interview Process 

  • HR Phone interview
  • Onsite interview: 1.5-hour meeting with Hiring team